In 2018, the eruption of the Anak Krakatau volcano triggered a devastating tsunami in Indonesia. A new study reveals that warning signs were detectable years before the disaster. A team of ...
In 2018, the side of the Anak Krakatau volcano collapsed in a powerful eruption and produced a tsunami that killed hundreds and injured thousands on nearby Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.
THE gradual recolonising of the island of Krakatau various islands into consideration, the nearest suitable T with plants and animals subsequent to the terraine for such comparison appeared to be ...
August 1883 saw the world tremble with the eruption of Krakatau, a volcano in the Sunda Strait connecting the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Krakatau eruption had an explosive force of a ...
De vegetatie is onderworpen aan een aantal antropogene en natuurlijke veranderingen. De meest opvallende is de vulkaanuitbarsting van de Krakatau in 1883 geweest, waardoor slechts zo'n 50% van het ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...