However, there are likely to be other ecotypes in Falkland waters. The “type D” killer whale has just a tiny white eye patch; it is known from a few sightings in Sub-Antarctic waters ...
The data distinguish two of the killer whale ecotypes of the North Pacific Coast—residents and Bigg's—as separate species. "We started to ask this question 20 years ago, but we didn't have ...
Three ecotypes of orca are already known to live ... The name “transient” was coined by killer whale researcher Dr. Michael Bigg who observed their behaviour as transient or more nomadic.
On a cold January day I was surrounded by hundreds of black-and-white killer whales—Orcinus orca, not a whale but rather ... orcas are divided into three ecotypes based on their diet, which ...
Alisa Schulman-Janiger, director of the ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project, told FTW Outdoors that Jean Huber and Christy Varni discovered the floating carcass at mid-morning less than a ...