NEW YORK (AP) — She was the first to go “SOLO.” Seven years ago, global pop phenomenon Jennie became the first member of the K-pop group Blackpink to release solo music. On Friday ...
Jennie’s new single "Extra L" with Doechii debuts on four U.K. charts, entering the top 10 on two. ... [+] It continues her streak of success ahead of her solo album Ruby. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA ...
Jennie unleashed the music video for her latest single “ExtraL” today with some help from the newly-minted Grammy winner, Doechii. Considering the fashion prowess of both musicians, it’s no ...
Blackpink member Jennie played the first of her four “intense but intimate” concert dates at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles on Thursday night, taking the stage at practically the moment ...