But switching groups within Judaism is far more common. Some switch to a group that is more religiously observant – for ...
On March 27, in Jerusalem, the Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue presented findings from its annual report, “Attacks ...
Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Judaism, or remained Jewish since childhood, in the U.S. and Israel.
Orthodox Judaism, both in the United States and Israel, has typically espoused a right-wing political orientation and ...
Poll says that just over half of religious Zionists recognize ultra-Orthodox contributions to society, down since last year, ...
It is essential to remember that Judaism, as we know it today, did not exist in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. In antiquity, religions in the modern sense of the term did not exist ...
High numbers of students in religious Zionist schools, where sex education is often an afterthought, are having sex with ...
ToI's diplomatic reporter speaks about a shameful phenomenon in which mostly Haredi youth spit upon and denigrate visibly ...
Huckabee has no business being ambassador to Israel, and no member of Congress who truly cares about Jewish people, ...
If things continue as they are, Israel will never know peace. Palestinians will never have a homeland. The only way out of ...