If you want to set a tab, or see how big your text box or headline will be when you print a document, you can use the ruler to measure where on the page you want those elements to fall and see how ...
Changing the ruler’s 0 origin means changing the position where the starting point (0) for measurement on the ruler is. The default zero position of the ruler is usually at the left edge of the ...
For objects larger that your iPhone, use your iPad, it’s a universal app! All kidding aside, when measuring objects longer than your iPhone’s screen, swipe the ruler to the left to extend it one ...
An archaeologist uses a ruler to measure a piece of leather. He measures using centimetres and tenths of centimetres. The leather measures 3.3cm. A thermometer is set out in intervals of tenths of ...
An archaeologist uses a ruler to measure a piece of leather. He measures using centimetres and tenths of centimetres. The leather measures 3.3cm. A thermometer is set out in intervals of tenths of ...