Go see Guernsey - the Channel Island has sunshine, good food and charm, says Jessica Molyneux, along with a whole lot of ...
A man and dog have been rescued from a cliff face in Guernsey by the emergency services. The cliff rescue operation took place south of Chateau Des Tielles Nursing Home, in Torteval, at about 10: ...
O'Porter said she travelled back to Guernsey regularly while writing. "I love the island [now] more than I ever loved the island." She said she had grown to love cliff walks and that 80% of her ...
A TRIAL to allow mountain bikes to use certain sections of the cliff paths has been a great success, but uptake has been ...
There simply is no better way to take in the island s intricate marvel of cliffs and beaches, no surer means to become at one with the landscape and the people than to go sailing or power boating.