Amazon has Nerf discounts of over 70% right now, so it's time to get silly and go into big kid mode with a new Nerf gun.
The gel bead blaster has fully automatic and semi-automatic modes, and you can switch between them freely to experience different fun. [High Capacity Ammo Drum] The gel ball blaster equiped with a ...
It includes three firing modes (semi automatic, three-dart burst and automatic ... You can check out the full Nerf Loadout line in the gallery below. The Nerf Loadout line launches alongside ...
Ever wished for some robotic enhancements for your next nerf war? Well ... driven by a pair of stepper motors via an Arduino. For auto-aim, a camera module attached to a Raspberry Pi running ...
[Philysteak527] modified a Nerf rifle, making it semi-automatic thanks to the powers of compressed air. This is not a simple change to make, and rests on his ability to design and manufacture a ...