The DC animated universe wasn't afraid to make things more mature and some of the best examples came in its R-rated movies.
Allowing Batman to appear in other character's movies could potentially alleviate Batman fatigue while building a universe ...
This comic book blockbuster is now available to watch on Netflix, with the superhero movie being dubbed a 'masterpiece' and 'one of the best ever' by fans and critics.
Batman is one of the most iconic superheroes, though that’s hardly news to anyone. The thing is, in the past few years, especially with new generations, people are getting to know a version that, even ...
More about the Batman movie: While some may assume Superman is the de facto leader of the Justice League, it is this more hopeful Batman calling the shots in the first cinematic interpretation of ...
One Letterboxd user gushed: “There’s a lot of evidence here to suggest that this might very well be the best batman movie ever made (the only exception being the lego batman movie ofc).” ...
Fans online panicked on Friday when filmmaker Andy Muschietti told a Spanish-language interviewer that the DCU’s Batman film, The Brave and the Bold, “has been postponed a little bit ...
Although The Penguin was originally described as a prequel to The Batman, it has subsequently been revealed to take place almost immediately after the first movie. “In the movie, the election da ...
Both Batman movies that are in development look like they will take a little longer than expected to hit theaters. The Batman II and The Brave and the Bold will be a long time coming. It should be ...