(Psst, it’s still Feb, 29) If you were born on Leap Day 1928, you will be 100 years old or 25 in Leap Day years on Feb. 29, 2028. Happy early birthday, leaplings! Though 2025 is not a Leap Year ...
Happy birthday, leaplings! As you know, there is no Feb. 29, 2025, 2024 was the most recent Leap Year, and the next Leap Day ...
The next time is this Thursday, when we'll have a rare Feb. 29. What is Leap Day, and why do we have it? Short answer: Every four years, in the same years as American presidential elections and ...
The last leap day was Feb. 29, 2024. The next leap day will happen in years 2028, 2032, 2036 and so on, every four years thereafter. So, the shortest month ends on Friday, Feb 28. Saturday ...
Every four years, we are gifted an extra day in the calendar, known as Leap Day, which falls on February 29. This phenomenon, while rare, holds a variety of interesting quirks and historical ...
In a leap year, we add this extra day to the month of February, making it 29 days long instead of the usual 28. The idea of an annual catch-up dates back to ancient Rome, where people had a ...
He’s a leap day baby, one of an exclusive club of people born on Feb. 29, a date that occurs only once every four years. “I actually have a real birthday this year, when I’ll be 3,” said ...
For only the seventh time in the franchise’s fifty years of existence, the Jazz will play a game on February 29, also known as Leap Day. You know the science: because of quirks in how our world ...
Their daughters told riddles and planned out what day their baby sister’s birthday would be celebrated, if born on Feb. 29. “My 8-year-old was like, ‘What if she’s born on a leap year?’,” ...
Leap Day only happens about once every 1,461 days, so it's pretty rare to have Feb. 29 as one's birthday. When do Leap Day babies traditionally celebrate in non-Leap Years? Usually, they choose to ...