Golf, pool moves show taxpayer-supported entity is drifting from its mission statement and moving toward corporatization.
The Fargo Parks District is increasing prices for their pool passes and one mother with three kids of her own uses them quite ...
Basing its design on a 2015 Greenplay study, JLG Architects worked with Fargo Park District to develop the facility’s master plan and schematic design. “It was incredibly rewarding to work ...
The Fargo Park District just launched its Park System Master Plan, an initiative designed to guide the development of parks, trails, facilities, programs, events and open spaces for the next 20 years.
They’re using our walking track. They’re using our facilities,” said Lance Belisle, recreation manager for the West Fargo Park District.
FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) - The Fargo Park District is inviting kids ages 15 and under to participate in the annual Youth Ice Fishing Derby at South Woodhaven Pond on Saturday, January 11.