Kirchhoff’s research interests include memory formation, self-initiated learning strategies, the effects of aging on cognition and the brain, the effects of Type 1 diabetes on cognition and the brain, ...
Brenda Ellington Booth helps leaders grow professionally and ... growth as a leader and who value the chance to do this work in a group setting. The Kellogg faculty leader serves as coach and ...
University Union 430; Office Hours: Mondays 1:00-2:30 PM and Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 AM or by appointment. Brenda has extensive clinical practice experience in community mental health, medical social ...
Brenda Roundtree is a transplant from the East Coast, born in Springfield, MA, moved to Arizona when she was very young until recently, and relocated to New Mexico. She lives in Alamogordo, New Mexico ...
Abu, Brenda A. Z., et al. "Qualitative Assessments of Anemia‐related Programs in Ghana Reveal Gaps and Implementation Challenges." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (2020): 1-15. Web. * Abu, ...
Dr. Brenda Abu is an Assistant Professor (since 2019) in the Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition (WSHN) at RIT. She received her PhD in Nutrition from the University of the Free Sate (South Africa) ...
Brenda Davison, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient Senior Lecturer and PhD candidate Brenda Davison received the 2016/2017 Faculty of Science Excellence in ...