Einhard (Eginhard) ging als Biograph Karls des Großen in die Geschichte ein. Der Gelehrte war auch Gründer des Klosters Seligenstadt am Main, in dem er die letzten Jahre seines Lebens verbrachte. + 14 ...
By Tom Holland Some time in the early ninth century AD, a Frankish scholar named Einhard sat down to write a biography. His theme was a worthy one. Charlemagne, the greatest king of his age, had died ...
In Seligenstadt stehen gleich zwei Jubiläen an: Das Kloster wird 1200 Jahre alt, die Basilika feiert ihr 100-jähriges ...
David Rowe Some time in the early ninth century AD, a Frankish scholar named Einhard sat down to write a biography. His theme was a worthy one. Charlemagne, the greatest king of his age ...