Tributes from District 1 were known as "Careers" because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games, using their wealth and status to become elite warriors and get a leg up on the ...
The Hunger Games showcases a harsh dystopia full of cruel and mean-spirited characters, from Peeta Mellark's mother to ...
A Lexington One parent wanted to ban the popular dystopian book "The Hunger Games" from middle schools, with the claim it ...
The youngest of the tributes participating in the 74th Hunger Games ... Rue was sadly killed by a spear from District 1’s Marvel (Jack Quaid) while trying to regroup with Katniss.
The popular dystopian young adult novel is being challenged by a Midlands parent, prompting a hearing this week that could ...
A Lexington One parent wanted to ban the popular dystopian book "The Hunger Games" from middle schools, with the claim it ...