Numbers of the bird counted across the project area alone have now more than doubled since a nationwide population low in the 1980s. Celebrating their 40th anniversary this year, two Stone-curlew ...
is of utmost urgency to prevent more species following the slender-billed curlew into extinction.” Graeme Buchanan, head of international conservation science with the RSPB, said: “Declaring a ...
The RSPB is celebrating 40 years of Eurasian Stone-curlew conservation, with numbers of the wader having doubled in Britain during that timeframe. The birds have benefitted from the dedicated efforts ...
Endangered stone-curlews have been brought "back from the brink" in the East of England, with breeding pairs doubling in the last ...
We’re delighted to share that, after a competitive bidding process, the RSPB will be taking over the management of Wiltshire ...
Endangered stone-curlews have been brought "back from the brink" in the East of England, with breeding pairs doubling in the ...
The RSPB has worked with 57 farms and landowners ... and our dedicated volunteers by creating and protecting stone-curlew breeding sites over the past four decades, has been remarkable," Mr ...
RSPB Scotland has objected to a “damaging” proposal for a pumped storage hydro scheme claiming it would lead to habitat loss ...