I’ve got some great news for the bold, brave Class of 2021: There are plenty of jobs out there for new college graduates. This hasn’t been an easy year for any of us, least of all for this ...
Wednesday, June 2 at 5 p.m. PDT - Engineering Senior Awards and Honors Convocation Friday, June 11 at 1:30 p.m. PDT - Graduate Engineering Virtual Celebration Saturday, June 12 at 12 p.m. PDT - Santa ...
Steve sends his sincere congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. Hey I made it after all! Thanks to all the giants on whose shoulders I climbed these last several years. Honored for all that ...
Esta historia fue publicada hace más de 3 años. The students have worked above and beyond to meet the school’s requirements for graduation including completing a rigorous one year-long ...