How is IDA definitively diagnosed, and why is it crucial to detect IDA at an early stage? What are some of the comorbidities that accompany IDA? How do you prioritize managing IDA along with the ...
Research found that ibrutinib reduces red blood cell aggregation in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), while ...
In patients with cystic renal diseases (in whom mild or no anemia with elevated erythropoietin ... even in advanced chronic kidney disease; cysts derived from proximal tubules, but not those ...
"The main symptom associated with babesiosis is acute, severe hemolytic anemia. None of these ... "This study primarily focused on patients with chronic illnesses and suspected bartonelloses.
researchers conclude that some patients with preoperative anemia have better outcomes if they get iron infusions before ... After Major Traumatic Brain Injury, More Blood Transfusions Could Mean ...
Dienes and colleagues are to be commended for discussing orthostatic hypotension, an underrecognized condition, in their recent CMAJ article.[1][1] In the extensive list of causes of orthostatic ...
A new study published in the journal of Nature Scientific Reports found that anemia was almost three times as common in women ...