If you are parenting younger kids right now, you know the arguments about dishwashing etiquette are nearly constant. From ...
It's true: Chores ... can be done independently. Don't underestimate your child, either. Some parents fall into the trap of doing things for their kids out of habit – even long after the kids ...
I was in my first semester of teaching college students when I quickly learned how helpless some of my students were. Some showed up to class in clearly dirty clothing. As I prepared for starting ...
As parents, it is our job to teach our kids financial responsibility and independence. One excellent way to do this is with chores at home. For our family, this is something we’ve been ...
Narrator Do you think parents coddle their children and don't give them as many chores as they used ... We cannot promise our kids a safe world. So what can we give them instead?
According to a survey, only around 28% of parents report making their children regularly do chores, compared to 82% of parents who did chores as kids themselves. But did you know it can be ...
It’s rare to find anyone that gets excited about doing chores. This can lead to members of a household abrogating their duties. In these cases, enforcement is a common tactic. Tired of laminated ...