Research lead Sven-Erik Behrens, PhD, at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at MLU, and colleagues, reported ...
Additionally, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) would provide hospitals and birthing centers with information on CMV screening. If a newborn tests positive for CMV, hospitals must notify the ...
If the baby contracts CMV after birth they are not at risk for developing complications. Cytomegalovirus can be diagnosed using a simple blood test that looks for antibodies against the virus or ...
Common virus can lead to lifelong health complications; OHSU, Weill Cornell findings could inform ongoing vaccine development ...
The National Congenital CMV Disease Registry provides useful information on Cytomegalovirus Disease. Read through our list of frequently asked questions and answers below. Find the answers to your ...
BioViva is building a gene-therapy platform using a cytomegalovirus (CMV) that can carry a genetic payload three times larger than the AAV. The company hopes to expand this to at least 10 times ...
The Spyteks are co-founders of the National CMV Foundation, which they started after their daughter, Evelyn, died in 2014 at just 21 months old. She was born with a cytomegalovirus infection ...
CMV is one of the most common and serious post-transplant infections with an estimated incidence rate of between 16% and 56% in solid organ transplants, and 30% to 70% in HSCT procedures.