Images of cows roaming free come to mind when people think of grass-fed cattle. But giving cows too much free rein on pasture is actually not ...
Amount of edible pasture grasses and vegetation grown in each gridcell per year for grazing livestock (pasture aboveground biomass). Darker colors refer to more annual pasture growth per unit area.
One of the best management practices that beef producers can utilize is the addition of legumes into their pastures. For example, a stand of 30% clover will provide all the ...
Karla Wilke of the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center shared her thoughts about feeding cows in confinement during drought conditions.
SMITH THOMAS For Farm & Ranch Jul 20, 2021 Jul 20, 2021 0 Ranchers in the West have typically grazed cattle on summer pastures — often in the mountains or desert rangelands near their ranch or ...
The terms "pasture-fed" and "grass-fed" sound similar on the surface. They do, however, have some differences that are worth ...