Furthermore, if you'll allow me to speculate for a moment, BESI could even become an attractive M&A target for any company seeking to move deeper into this field. I wouldn't like to leave such an ...
Besi's shares fell as much as 10 per cent in early trading. They closed 0.7 per cent higher. The chip assembly equipment maker expects its first-quarter sales to fall by up to 10 per cent from the ...
Although Besi has not been significantly affected by the US-China trade tensions in the past, we believe this could change in future. We don’t believe Besi’s more standard equipment such as ...
Pengerjaan dilakukan dengan cara tradisional. Ilmu ini dipelajari secara turun-temurun. Besi yang dipanaskan kemudian ditempa. Pengerjaan ini dilakukan beberapa kali. Syamsuddin mengatakan, dulunya ...
BESI also provides update on its Electrafy Partnership with Enercare Home and Commercial Services Ltd. Ottawa, ...