This is your choice and you can decide not to. If you need support to take part in your assessment, care and support plan or review, and there is no appropriate person available to do this, you should ...
including planning for emergencies or preparing for times when you may not be able to provide care. You each have to meet certain criteria (conditions) to have care and support provided by the HSCT.
To help decide who will pay for care, the local authority will carry out a financial assessment. The financial assessment rules for homecare are different to the rules for a residential care home. The ...
Case study summary Key learnings identified by the CNO National Shared Professional Decision-Making Council: Individualised care planning is the foundation of good dementia care with additional ...
This information will help them to work out how best to help you and plan what support you and your family need. The autism team and your case coordinator should meet with you and your family as soon ...