A quietly influential manga is continuing its ruminations on AI as Battle Angel Alita's mangaka Yukito Kishiro confirms a new series to debut in 2025. Emerging from the booming fascination with ...
The cruel joke in the new anime show Angel Beats! is that students who die find out purgatory simply means back to school. Yes, if you die right now and have any lingering feelings of connection ...
And what of Milli and Merryl, will Vash really leave them behind? Trigun is without a doubt one of the best Anime TV series to be releases in America in 2000, and it continues strong into 2001.
Pet Collector's and standard Blu-ray scheduled for March 17, Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen Blu-ray scheduled for March 24 In a message on its AllTheAnime website, Anime Limited announced more ...