Q: My Aloe vera plant is looking reddish-brown ... Watch, too, for any vines that bloom and set seed. Trim off the fruit before birds have a chance to eat and deposit them right back in the ...
Dear Reader: Wait until the grass has greened up fully and is growing actively. That’s probably going to be late April into May. I use a square-bladed nursery spade, also called a “tile spade.” It ...
Aloe vera plants don’t flower and produce seeds until they are mature, which usually takes at least four years. When aloe vera plants start to flower, they can produce seed pods. Step 1 ...
To be safe, you should keep your cat away from aloes. Aloe plants can be spectacular when in bloom, especially if planted en masse. Aloes are succulents with fleshy leaves often edged with thorny ...
Dear Neil: My Aloe vera plant is looking reddish-brown ... Watch, too, for any vines that bloom and set seed. Trim off the fruit before birds have a chance to eat and deposit them right back ...