In December, the spacecraft skimmed by Saturn's outer rings, snapping some of the most detailed images we have ever seen. Follow Tech Insider: On Facebook More from Science NASA's Cassini ...
An event called a "ring plane crossing" will occur between Saturn and Earth on March 23, 2025, when Saturn's rings will ...
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which orbited Saturn from 2004 to 2017, took many dramatic images of the rings’ shadows on Saturn.
A ring system circling a young giant planet about 430 light years from Earth is 200 times the size of Saturn's rings, scientists have discovered. WSJ's Monika Auger reports. Photo: Ron Miller ...
Saturn's rings are long thought to be between 100 million and 400 million years old based on more than a decade of observations by NASA's Cassini spacecraft before its demise in 2017. Images by ...
Saturn's rings might not be younger than the dinosaurs as recently suggested, but nearly as old as the giant planet itself at billions of years in age, a new study says. The age of Saturn's rings ...