WASHINGTON—The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that the interior least tern, a small bird that nests along major rivers in the midwestern and southern United States, has fully recovered ...
Fewer than 40 New Zealand fairy terns survive - making it six times rarer than the kākāpō, which is often treated as the "poster bird" for our most endangered species.
By moving continually between Arctic summer and the Antarctic summer, the tern flies up to 44,000 miles each year. Daryl Short, a reserve officer at Forvie who found the bird, said: "It's ...
The western gull-billed tern is the victim of a bad rap. Though often condemned for preying on other sensitive species — namely, the threatened western snowy plover and the endangered California least ...
Birds are disappearing fast and we are trying to prevent their imminent extinctions, improve millions of acres of habitat ...
During a routine avian survey, Venkat Angandhula, a north Telangana Coordinator of the Hyderabad Tiger Conservation Society ...
It was teeming with birds. She was seeing if the major colony of Caspian terns there was infected with avian influenza. Caspian terns are the world’s biggest tern, easy to spot from a distance ...
Assuming bird flu did not return to the bird population in Northumberland for the next few years, last year's poor Arctic tern chick survival rate was unlikely to affect long-term population ...