Front Mission, Master of Monsters, and Super Robot Wars are iconic 16-bit tactical ... to classic series finding their first footing on 16-bit consoles, the genre's evolving mechanics have not ...
From time to time, we at Hackaday like to publish a few engineering war stories – the tales of ... an oft-forgotten 16-bit offshoot of the 6502 and related chips found in everything from ...
Intellivision claims it had the first 16-bit game console ... and Intellivision after 45 years ends the longest-running console war in history." Atari said it will seek to expand digital and ...
1991 will forever be a significant year in the culture of gaming for signaling the start of the 16-bit console war. With the Western release of the Super Nintendo and its excellent launch lineup ...
Nintendo and Sega fought a savage battle against each other, with Panasonic trying to make inroads with their powerful 32-bit system ... games ever made. This console war would change gaming ...
It always sounded a bit crunchy, but crunchy in a good way. SEGA’s 16-bit console, whether you call it the Genesis or Mega Drive, always had a unique sound thanks to it’s Yamaha YM2612 sound chip.
It was the era of the 16-bit consoles. Super Nintendo and MegaDrive were competing for a market that until then had been totally dominated by the Kyoto-based company. During those years ...