Taal Volcano has minor phreatic eruption
Authorities prohibit entry inside the volcano’s 4-kilometer radius permanent danger zone as well as flying any aircraft ...
Taal volcano spews smoke that rose up to 2,400 meters yesterday, according to the latest report of the Philippine Institute ...
In the early hours of Monday, a weak flow of lava began seeping out of Taal volcano - located some 70km (45 miles) south of the capital Manila. Taal had earlier emitted a huge plume of ash ...
Taal Volcano in Batangas province recorded three phreatic, or steam-driven, eruptions on Thursday (Sept 26), according to the ...
Taal Volcano in Batangas had a minor phreatic eruption early Wednesday morning, according to the Philippine Institute of ...
A minor phreatic eruption that produced 600-meter-high plume was recorded in Taal Volcano at around 1:59 a.m. Wednesday, the ...