The U.S. alone lost more than 40 million laying hens to bird flu in 2024, said Emily Metz, president and CEO of the ...
A bald eagle dad had his first glimpse of a newly laid egg in his Southern California nest. The heartwarming moment was ...
Egg prices have shoppers and restaurant owners flabbergasted and thinking about creative ways to work around the ...
Prices for a dozen large eggs can roughly be as high as $6. That's almost double the price from a month ago--during the ...
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the price for a dozen eggs has increased an average of 37% in the last year.
A particularly contagious strain of bird flu has killed thousands of chickens, causing the price of eggs to nearly double ...
Yes, there is an egg shortage due to bird flu. Officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have confirmed there is ...
Consumers have noticed expensive egg prices across Colorado recently as the bird flu wreaks havoc among flocks across the ...