Dear Eric: I suffered a curable illness I was unaware I had. A symptom of the illness was anxiety. I was acting very ...
Would it be bad or insensitive to ask my husband to put the ashes in four small urns and give one to each of her four ...
Dear Eric: I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we have a wonderful, blended family. Our kids are now grown ...
Wealthy friend always laments injustice but never acts. Friend urges her to sell her extra home to fund real aid instead of ...
Dear Sister: You’ve already saved the date and made tentative plans, so there’s nothing stopping you and your other sister ...
Letter writer is tired of a friend – who has “tons of money” – complaining about societal issues while not doing anything ...
I am a 47-year-old woman and was diagnosed with a rare terminal illness three years ago after several years of investigations ...
Dear Eric: Christmas is a very difficult time for me, and I typically don’t celebrate as I don’t have any close family, and it only brings back painful memories. I moved a couple years ago and ...
Dear Eric: I saw myself in an Asking Eric column from Nov. 5, 2024. “Perplexed Friend” was confused after he reached out to a ...