Huasta is a district of the province of Bolognesi, in the Ancash Region of Peru. The capital of Huasta is "Villa de Huasta" and the Temple is located in the Jr Grau in front of the "Seat of Arms", a monument declared by Supreme Resolution Nº 505-74-ED dated 15 October 1974. Huasta is on a plain 3,375 meters above sea level on the left banks of the river Chiq…Huasta is a district of the province of Bolognesi, in the Ancash Region of Peru. The capital of Huasta is "Villa de Huasta" and the Temple is located in the Jr Grau in front of the "Seat of Arms", a monument declared by Supreme Resolution Nº 505-74-ED dated 15 October 1974. Huasta is on a plain 3,375 meters above sea level on the left banks of the river Chiquián. The seat of arms is located at the town center and there are four longitudinal streets and seven cross-sectional streets, all paved with stones.