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Welcome to Lion's Den, your destination for pleasure, passion, and romance since 1971. Our mission is to promote a sex-positive perspective on intimacy and sexual well-being, breaking …
Welcome to Lion's Den, your destination for pleasure, passion, and romance since 1971. Our mission is to promote a sex-positive perspective on intimacy and sexual well-being, breaking stereotypes and stigma. We provide fun, education, and body positivity for all, empowering everyone to enjoy life to the fullest. Shop safely and stigma-free in our retail stores and online. Please be at least 18 years old and present a valid photo ID issued by either the state or federal government for verification purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Frequently asked questions
How old do you have to be to enter the store?
You must be at least 18 years of age. We kindly request that you present a valid photo ID issued by either the state or federal government for verification purposes...
AdShapermint Bras, Shapewear, Leggings, and Undies for Every Body Size. Different types of bras to support every body type and size, from small to plus size bras.
Styles: Shapewear, Swimwear, Underwear, Plus Size, Leggings, Bodysuits and more