Was Vegeta always in SSJ2 form during the Buu Saga or did he
By that time Goku was a full power ss2 and that’s what Vegeta was mad about in the fight with yakon. He realized how much better his ss2 was and then let babidi give him the power boost to max power ss2. Then him and Goku were dead even ss2. That’s my opinion atleast, I think Vegeta and Goku would have both done better against Dabura than ...
Did Vegito use Ssj2 : r/dbz - Reddit
Nov 24, 2020 · I don't know if Goku and vegeta really have a handle on how strong Vegito actually was. If we believe that base vegeta > ssj3 goku from Buu saga, then a case could be made about Vegito. Considering Ultimate Gohan from that saga was 3x stronger than ssj3 goku, and buu absorbed him. Buuhan was fucking insanely strong. And based Vegito ...
When exactly did Vegeta acheive SSJ2? : r/dbz - Reddit
Oct 21, 2021 · Vegeta obtained Super Saiyan 2 at some indistinct point during the seven years prior to the Buu arc. He only needed Babidi's power-up to close the gap in power between his Super Saiyan 2 form and Goku's, after having seen how much stronger Goku's was when used briefly against Yakon.
GOKU - Watch Movies Online & Free Movies Streaming : r/Mario
Feb 25, 2024 · 257K subscribers in the Mario community. r/Mario is the premiere community for the Mario franchise, spanning video games, books, movies, television…
Tell when Vegeta is in SSJ2? (Apart from the electricity in ... - Reddit
Mar 3, 2018 · Usually you tell ssj2 by the hair line/part(it's especially noticable with Goku and caulifla). Instead of a single split, it does a double split thing. Edit: after looking at Goku's ssj2, it looks like more of his bangs stand on end in ssj2 vs ssj, making it have that "2 hair line" thing.
did vegito go ssj or ssj2 against buuhan : r/dragonball - Reddit
Feb 27, 2021 · Actually it kind of does, Vegito has all of Goku's abilities, same as Vegeta's, if he has to go to SSJ that means Buu is atleast 20x his base power as Goku can use Kaioken x20 in base still, means Buu at that point is between 20-40 times stronger than base Vegito to pus Vegito to go SSJ and end up being treated like a bitch as Buu was.
Gohan ssj2 vs goku ssj2 : r/dragonball - Reddit
Dec 31, 2021 · Only way this is fair is if Goku is not allowed to go beyond SSJ1. Even then - I'd go with SSJ1 Goku 7/10. No way. Buu Arc SSJ2 Goku is a little stronger than Cell Arc SSJ2 Gohan. Assuming the forms provide similar boosts, that would put Goku's SSJ form a little above Gohan's. A fight between SSJ Goku and SSJ2 Gohan would be like when Gohan ...
Goku Enemies - Comic Vine
Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series, spanning the original Dragon Ball, its sequel Dragon Ball Z and the further sequel Dragon Ball GT. He is based upon the monkey ...
Did Vegito use ssj1 or ssj2? : r/dbz - Reddit
Sep 2, 2016 · Vegetto just used regular Super Saiyan 1. The lightning bolts he displayed were a simple one-panel thing used for effect when he transformed, not the sustained and steady sparks which indicate Super Saiyan 2.
Goku (DBS) vs Gojo (jujutsu kaisen) : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Jan 3, 2021 · Goku would need feats to suggest he can bypass infinite space. Gojo doesn't need feats to fight Goku. Do not apply the feats rule to me, given you are asserting that Gojo is the one who needs feats here which is just sad. Infinity is passive. Infinity is automatically active. Goku cannot blitz here because of the infinite distance between them.